Upcoming Events

The Hollow Organ, December 5th, 2022 at Movement Research/Judson Church

Solstice Celebration, December 17th at Opus 40

The Cosmic Event of the Body, TBA March, 2023 at Poetry Barn

Equinox Celebration, March TBA at Opus 40

The Hollow Organ, April 10th , 2023 at Chez Bushwick

Sun/Moon/Rising Workshop, April 14th, 2023 UpDog | NY (Windham NY)

Synastry Workshop & Readings, June-12-15 & 26-29, 2023 at Wanderlust Retreats (Coxsackie NY)

Solstice Celebration, Into the Light: A Summer Solstice Celebration June 23 rd, 2023

Synastry Workshop & Readings, September 14-17, 2023 at Wanderlust Retreats (Cape Cod MA)

Equinox Celebration, September TBA at Opus 40