Story. Body. Relationship.
Stories and symbols are the most powerful tools we have to shape our lives. It’s through story and symbol that we’re able to understand ourselves, each other, and create meaning. Astrology draws on ancient archetypes and the evolution of those archetypes as our conscious mind evolves.
Change your story, change your consciousness.
When we’re aware of alternative ways to understand, we’re aware of more choices. This increases agency. I do not practice an astrology that is wholly deterministic. I do practice an astrology that represents environments to work within and be in relationship with. When we can recognize the intersection of personal responsibility and choice in response to our environment, we unlock the magic of astrology. Stories and symbols provide maps to these intersections.
My educational and professional background is in theatre arts and writing. Language as a symbolic tool for mining larger concepts and feelings is a significant part of my life…as is the body.
My current work in the field of movement and somatics informs much of my astrology practice. Stories and concepts need a place to ground. When intellect and imagination aren't quite enough, we enter the realms of the sensate and emotional body. Becoming friendly with and understanding how certain narratives make us feel can help us create a different relationship with them. Our natural instincts to move toward pleasure and away from pain can be channeled into constructive strategies for fuller expression of self and embodiment. Our emotional bodies also contain a wealth of information about the origin of habits, biases, and stories that are diminishing or empowering.
We are massively creative beings living in a world rich with the materials to invent. It behooves us to find a language that helps us understand our place in that world. It’s my aim to help you find a personal relationship with this language.
I am in continual study with artists, doctors, therapists and teachers to help you create the richest and most resonant narratives to work and play in. Join me in some utilitarian magic!
Here are a couple of quotes about astrology from two of my favorite writers who tell stories from the body (who also happened to be in deep relationship with each other).
Henry Miller:
Astrology does not offer an explanation of the laws of the universe, nor why the universe exists. What it does, to put it in simplest terms, is show us that there is a correspondence between macrocosm and microcosm. In short, that there is a rhythm to the universe, and that *a person’s own life partakes of this rhythm. For centuries *people have observed and studied the nature of this correspondence. Whether astrology be a science or pseudo-science, the fact remains that the oldest and greatest civilizations we know of had for centuries upon centuries used it as a basis for thought and action. That it degenerated into mere fortune-telling and why, is another story.
It is not to discover what is going to “happen” to us, it is not to forestall the blows of fate, that we should look to our horoscopes. A chart when properly read should enable one to understand the overall pattern of one’s life. It should make *people more aware of the fact that *their own life obeys the same rhythmical, cyclical laws as do other natural phenomena. It should prepare *them to welcome change, constant change, and to understand that there is no good or bad, but always the two together in changing degrees, and that out of what is seemingly bad can come good and vice versa. Astrology indeed might be called a science or relating, whose first fruit is the dictum that fate is character.
*some pronouns have been adjusted.
Anais Nin:
Fulfillment is the completion of a circle. All aspects of the self have to be lived out, like the twelve houses of the zodiac. A personality is one who has unrolled the ribbon, unfolded the petals, exposed all the layers. It does not matter where one begins: with instinct or wisdom, with nature or spirit. The fulfillment means the experience of all parts of the self, all the elements, all the planes. It means each cell of the body comes alive, awakened. It is a process of nature, and not of the ideal. One dies when the cells are exhausted, one reaches plentitude when they all function, the dream, desire, instinct, appetite. One awakens the other. It is like contagion. The order does not matter. All the errors are necessary, the stutterings, the blunders, the blindnesses. The end is to cover all the terrain, all the routes. … To live only one aspect or one side of the personality is like using only one sense, and the others become atrophied. There is greatness only in fulfillment, in the fullness of awaking. Completion means the symphony. Sublimation means to condemn to immobility certain members of the body for the sake of the monstrous development of others. … Psychologically, a great personality is a circle touching something at every point. A circle with a core. A process of nature, growth, not the ideal. The ideal is an error. Life is a full circle, widening until it joins the circle motions of the infinite.